Do you know that the wood you use to make your bee hive determines whether bees will colonize or not? Honey bees have woods that they prefer over the other! This is because the smell, temperature, ventilation and humidity of the colony is determined by the wood! So if your …

What is the difference between honey and Makizi honey?
First things first, Makizi honey is not like standard honey that comes in a teddy bear-shaped container. This specific variety of honey is produced by bees in Abia State, Nigeria, who pollinate local African velvet plants. These plants blossom for only 12 weeks out of the entire year, so sourcing …

Online Beekeeping Classes in Nigeria
We are excited to roll out our online beekeeping training courses. We are the leading and No.1 in Nigeria. People around the country have been telling us they want to attend our beekeeping classes but they live too far away. We rolled up our sleeves and went to work to …

Beekeeping Training 2021 Calendar
Interglobal Green Blossom Ltd will commence Beekeeping Training/ Honey Production training for the year 2021 from the month of February. You can start your registration and choose the date of your training. Registration commence: 24th January 2021 – 18th February, 2021 Training Date: 25th – 30th February, 2021 Time: 7:30am …

Honey and it’s Benefits
Honey is a sweet, golden liquid made by honey bees. Honey bees store their honey in small, hexagonal cups called a honeycomb. Raw honey comes straight from the Honey comb. Beekeepers usually pass raw honey through a filter to remove as many impurities as possible. However, pasteurization may adversely affect …

Apis is a Latin for bee, and apiculture is the science and practice of keeping Honeybees for products production and food crops pollination. The words ‘apiculture’ and ‘beekeeping’ tend to be applied loosely and used synonymously: in some parts of the world, significant volumes of honey are today still obtained …

It is usually wise to start small, learn efficient management techniques, and expand the beekeeping operation as time, experience, and finances permit. We explained the Beekeeping Basic and how you can start Beekeeping small and grow it. Initial outlay can reach N15,000.00 per hive, and other equipment, such as a …

Beekeeping Training Calendar 2020
Below is the IGB Nigeria One-on-One Beekeeping Training Calendar for 2020. Interested candidates are advice to enroll. Please, note the registration dates and register in good time. Our self-learning Online Beekeeping Training is also available for all. Contacts: Call: 0803-318-5898 or 0703-521-1909 Fee: N30,000 only. (Students will get discount) …

Beekeeping Practical Training 14 Nov. 2018
Interglobal Green Blossom Ltd present 2 days One-on-One (on farm) Beekeeping Practical Training. Date: 14th – 15th November 2018. Time: From 8.30 am daily Venue: IGB Ltd Incubation Training Centre Umudike, Abia State Nigeria. Time: 8:30am Call: 0703-521-1909 or 0803-318-5898 Fee: N30,000 only. (Students will get discount) Green Questions? …

ONLINE BEEKEEPING TRAINING IN NIGERIA We are excited to roll out our online beekeeping training courses. We are the leading and No.1 in Nigeria. People around the country have been telling us they want to attend our beekeeping classes but they live too far away. We rolled up our sleeves …